June 13- Life is Full of Surprises

It's amazing how your world can get flipped on its head in a matter of minutes. Whether it comes as a pleasant surprise or takes a turn for the worse, life can certainly change on a dime. Some surprises are the kind of epic proportions. The Hubs and I are still floored that we are having twins. I wonder if that feeling will ever change?! People mention "the twins" and it still seems absolutely bonkers that they are talking about US! That I am the one having them. (Hell, I still can't wrap my head around how they are going to fit in my body! eeeek!) It also changes everything we thought about preparing for a baby. Because before there was a running checklist of: crib, car seat, high chair, etc... and now it's like, oh crap... we need TWO of everything like we're filling a freaking Ark of baby stuff! Yikes! Better get crackalackin on a registry! LOL Then there are those susprises that knock you for a loop and take the wind out of your sails (and apparently wri...